domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2016

jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2016


  El día 10 de noviembre se llevó a cabo el acto en conmemoración del "Día de la Tradición" a cargo de las docentes de 1º grado de ambos turnos.


martes, 8 de noviembre de 2016

lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2016



  Que los niños experimenten nuevas sensaciones... que conozcan otras realidades cercanas... que vivencien el compromiso sentido... que se unan e igualen... es nuestra misión como docentes y nos invita a trabajar día a día, desde el presente, para lograr una sociedad cada vez más humana! Gracias Elizabeth Aguillón por ser una mediadora que pone su arte al servicio de esa misión...
    Los niños de la escuela rural de Casilda y los 7º grados de la López coordinados por Elizabeth fueron los artistas que unieron sus pinceladas para darle vida a tan mágico mural.

Georgina Laville.

domingo, 6 de noviembre de 2016

sábado, 5 de noviembre de 2016


El día 5 de noviembre los alumnos Natividad Paoletti y Julián Gutiérrez dieron a sus compañeros de 7º grado una clase especial sobre el círculo y circunferencia: sus elementos, propiedades y su construcción.

jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2016


  Este año con el grupo de 7º  “A” de Inglés, leímos una adaptación de “Frankenstein”, la obra escrita por Mary Shelley en el siglo XIX. A los chicos los atrapó la historia, pero al llegar al final muchos se sintieron disconformes. Por lo tanto, pusimos manos a la obra y escribimos nuestros propios finales o segundas partes de la historia. Otros alumnos ilustraron la historia. ¡Y salieron buenísimos! Mucho trabajo e imaginación lograron estas nuevas obras de arte. ¡¡Felicitaciones 7mo!!

Prof. Carolina Kaplan

The revenge of Frankenstein
By Tania Videla
Walton - Chapter 1
That Monster! Did he really think that I was going to believe such a lie? Im going to commit suicide. he said. Im pretty sure that he is not going to kill himself. I must find out where he went and fulfill my promise to Victor. That creature deserves death.
A few days later I was in the middle of the cold and infinite Arctic ice, searching for the horrible monster, but I was incapable of finding him.
After a week of searching, I was just about to give up, but one day while I was sleeping, a noise woke me up. As fast as I could, I took my things and hid behind some bush. Some minutes later, my doubts were confirmed: the monster was there. But he lay down on the floor and fell asleep.
Next day, I decided to start following him. His life wasn't very interesting. I followed his steps until he arrived at a little town in Russia. He was staying in a small hut not very far from town. That gave me time to make a plan. The problem was that I didn't have one, until I met Mary.

      Walton -  Chapter 2
Mary was a sweet French girl that I met in town. She was extremely confident, and since I started my search I was feeling very lonely, so the idea of someone joining me didn't disgust me.
One day, I decided to tell Mary the story of Victor Frankenstein and how I was involved in it. Also I proposed her to join me on my search. Surprisingly, she believed me, and told me that she was going to think about my proposal.
Finally, Mary accepted to go with me. We didn't have a plan, but we were going to make one while we followed the creature.
A week later, we were in a big city located near the Arctic zone of Russia. Mary and I rented a house, but we didn't stay there too much.
One day, I went to the market, and left Mary in the house. When I arrived home again, Mary wasn't there.

        The monster - Chapter 3
'I caught her! I thought. I was looking forward to that moment since I discovered that they were following me. Now, I have to wait until that man falls in my trap.
'You, monster! cried the woman angrily.
'I want to know why you and that man were following me! I said as angrily as her.
'We weren't following you. she answered.
'You know that I don't believe you. But you are in my control now, so you are going to guide me to that man.'
'I'm not going to do that! she cried again.
'Well, if you don't do it, your destiny is going to be terrible. I said, ending the conversation.
A few hours later, the woman and I were walking to Walton's house. I had a plan: when we arrived, I was going to kill Walton, and then I was going to strangle the woman.
When we arrived, Walton was very surprised about our visit.
'Mary! Are you okay? What did he do to you? he asked worriedly.
'That's not the matter', I answered. 'You were on that ship with Victor Frankenstein, who told you lots of terrible things about me, and now you are following me. Is it a coincidence? I don't think so.'
I started to fight with him, but he was very strong. The woman tried to hit me, but I avoided her punch and threw her to the other side of the room. She started bleeding, and slowly, her cries were less, until she died. As quickly as I could, I left the room and I didn't watch behind me. I was horrified.

      Walton  -  Chapter 4
He killed her! He killed Mary! I started to cry. Mary had literally won my heart. She was so generous and kind, and that monster took her life. I'm not going to let that monster be alive so long. I'm going to kill him with my own hands if is necessary, but I must do it. I hope my plan works.

    The monster
It was a cold night. I wouldn't survive in such conditions. I had to search for a warm place, but I didn't find anything.
Some time later, I saw a big fire a few meters away. When I came closer, nobody was near it, so I stayed there. A few hours later, I fell asleep.

When I was sure that he was asleep, I came out of my hiding place. He was sleeping like a baby. Slowly, I came closer to him, and when I was very near, I stabbed him with all my strength. His screams were very loud. As fast as I could, I carried him to the big fire. He was so weak because of the stabs that he couldn't defend himself.
Slowly, his screams and cries, disappeared with his own life.

Tania Videla

Martín Depetris

Alternative ending and second part of “Frankenstein”

CHAPTER 1 – Narrated by Victor

      Elizabeth went up to our room. I stayed on the first floor, watching for the monster with a gun in my hand by hours. There weren't any signals of the monster and its wishes of revenge for destroying what could have been its wife. I realised that the monster wouldn't come, so I began to feel very happy.
      Suddenly, a desperate scream from upstairs gave me a start. ‘Elizabeth’ I thought. Of course, the monster came for Elizabeth, not for me! I felt like an idiot not to have thought of that possibility. I ran up to our bedroom and quickly opened the door. Everything was like when we arrived, tidy and clean, there wasn’t even a stain of blood.
      ‘Has it been my imagination?’ I thought ‘maybe I’m going crazy’
      I felt a cold air stream and I turned back. There, in the window, was the monster with Elizabeth’s dead body in its arms. It gave me a dark and evil smile and ran away, without releasing Elizabeth's body.

CHAPTER 2 – Narrated by the monster.

     I was running like I never did before and I never stopped. I had Victor wife’s dead body in my arms, but I never stopped. I ran and ran for what seemed hours, but I never stopped. I felt very strong and powerful. I felt like a king. And every king must have a queen. My future queen was going to be Elizabeth Lavenza, with her beautiful blond hair and her blue eyes.
    Elizabeth Lavenza, Victor Frankenstein’s dead wife.
    Elizabeth Lavenza, my future queen.

CHAPTER 3 – Narrated by the monster.

    With Victor’s journal, I understood what brings life and death. He wrote everything he did when he made me. With this body, I was going to test what I learned.
    I kept running until I found a deserted house. I left Elizabeth's dead body on the floor and I opened the door. I looked for something useful to me, but I didn’t find anything. I went out of the house. Then, I realised that I couldn’t make a female monster there.
   ‘I need to go to another place’ I thought  ‘Maybe to the Scottish house where Victor was going to make his second monster. His things are still there, so it’s going to be easier for me'.
    I went into the house again looking for something to hide Elizabeth's body. Finally, I found a trunk and I put the body there. I took some clothes too. Then, I left the house again and I started to run again.

CHAPTER 4 – Narrated by the monster.

    In the end, I travelled to that Scottish island where I was some months ago. I arrived at that house and found Victor’s things. I opened the trunk. I raised Elizabeth’s body and left it on a table before me. Then, I started to work.
    I didn't sleep in days. Creating life was more difficult than I thought and I worked for months, but at the end I finished. The creature was ready and breathing. It was alive.
   My future wife was alive.

Martina Mussio

“FRANKESTEIN 2: The revenge”
Three years later, Victor, the scientist, woke up. His friend Walton told him about the monster. He was in small house in the Artic, very happy, but Victor wanted revenge.
One morning, Victor, with a gun, went to the Arctic to kill him. When he arrived at monster´s house, he saw a family of monsters –It´s impossible!-  he thought, intrigued. The children were very small, Victor wasn´t able to kill the children, so, Victor stayed in a hotel near the monster´s house.
The next day, Victor thought about what to do, then he decided to kill all the family to extinct the monster´s species. That night, he went to this family´s house. He entered the house through a small window.
The monster heard a strange noise that scared him and all the family. The monster saw Victor and he was surprised.
-What are you doing here? I thought you were dead- said the monster.
-Yes, but no- When I was dying I drank a potion. It was working, so before I died I said Walton that he shouldn´t bury me because the potion could work, and even after three years. It took effect and here I am. Surprised? You destroyed my life and you are going to pay for it. So he killed all the family with a gun, except the monster.
Victor tried to run away but he couldn´t, it was too late. The very angry monster, caught Victor and killed him with whole fury of the world. And the monster was again alone…

Ana Laudanno

“Friends, enemy and death”
  After the wedding in Geneva, we planned to go to an inn in Evian. We went by boat and we arrived the next day.
   When we arrived, it started to rain and I said to Elizabeth:
-          My love, tomorrow I am going to tell you a terrible secret, because tonight I want to enjoy.
-          No problem, my love.
 After that we went out, I was very afraid of the monster and Elizabeth.
 When we went to sleep, I went back downstairs with my gun to wait for the monster. Five minutes after that I decided to go upstairs with Elizabeth, and when I was going to finish the stairs, I saw the monster with a rope in his hands ( I thought it was for killing me ) but he went for Elizabeth and when I shouted he took out his horrible hands from my wife’s neck. When he saw my gun he threw it to the floor. I said to him:
-          I knew you were going to come to kill me, but you wanted to kill my wife.
-          I wanted to kill her for taking revenge, because you destroyed my wife!!
I continued shouting because I didn’t know what to say, but when Elizabeth opened her eyes she said:
-          What is this!!??
-          My love, this was the terrible secret, I didn’t want you to know anything about this until tomorrow.
-          But!! What is it!!!!??
-          It’s my creature, I made it from dead body parts.
Then I said the monster:
-          You have to go!!
-          No, I want revenge.
-          We will make a promise, would you like to do it?
-          Well… It depends on what.
-          I will create your wife, but you won’t do anything to my family after that.
-          Okey….
And with a smile in his mouth he went out by the window.
When everything was quieter Elizabeth asked me:
-          Are you going to make another of that horrible thing?
-          I don’t know my love, today, I want to sleep and tomorrow I am going to start
When I woke up, Elizabeth wasn´t at the inn, she left me a note:
                 I love you so much, but now you´re mad, so I want to leave you alone a few days. Send me a note when you want to come back home.
                                          With love,
  She was right, I was mad, but I needed her.
In the afternoon I started another time with my female creature. I was working day and night for teo weeks, when I finished it I went with my family to Geneva. Luckily they were all alive but my father had a small fever. He was ill for one week and he started to be better.
   One month later, I forgot about the female monster and my monster appeared on my house. He said to me that if I didn´t give him a wife the next week, my family was going to die. So I came back to my cave in Evian and I brought him his wife.
   Six months later, on Ernest´s graduation, something changed everything. While we were celebrating, a shadow appeared on the window where my father was, it killed him and went out. A few days later Elizabeth had a fever, and a week later she died. I knew that it was the monster so I went to find him.
    When I found him in the Woods of Geneva he was with his wife, so I took my gun and started to walk. When I was close enough, I shot at her and the monster started to cry.
    When he saw me I said to him that it was revenge but he said that he was going to take revenge one more time, so I came back to Geneva and told my story to you, Ernest.
    Now I have a very bad fever, so I want you to remember me like a good brother.

Vittorio Maragliano

Abril Marín


Walton decided to go to England. There he met a man called Ernest Frankenstein and he asked him is Victor Frankenstein your brother? – and Ernest said – yes – and Walton told him the sad story of the death of Victor.
Ernest decided to get alive the body of Victor but he didn´t know how. He studied day and night but he didn´t find the answer. One day he discovered that the body moved with electricity.
He waited for a storm and he put the body on a table of silver on the roof. Suddenly Ernest saw a lighting and he looked at the dead body of his brother, Suddenly he opened an eye!!!...

Ivo Crembil

After the wedding in Geneva Victor and Elizabeth went to an inn, at eight o'clock they arrived in the inn, they unpacked their clothes, and when they were sleeping Victor heard a strange sound, so he woke up and walked outside the room. When he was outside, he heard screams so he ran to see his wife but all he found was a letter from the monster !!

Dear Victor
                     I hope you are worried, I have your wife, she is going to be my prisoner for a long time, unless you make a wife for my, this is my revenge...
         Lots of hate
                                 Your creation.
Victor took his gun and went to the mountains to find the monster Elizabeth. Two days later he arrived in a hut, he was hungry, thirsty and angry with the monster, he wanted to kill his creation. He knocked at the door but nobody opened so he threw it down, he entered and searched for his wife but he didn't find her so he went up the stairs and saw his wife kissing the monster!! Victor fell down to the floor.

When he woke up the monster and Elizabeth were looking at him. –“Elizabeth!!!” screamed Victor “What are you doing here? Why did you kiss this monster?” –“I love him”- she answered.....

Emma Pirani

Very well. I promise; said Walton.
But something beautiful happened the next morning.
The monster visited Victor and they talked for hours. After that, they hugged each other strongly for a few minutes and cried.
Victor accepted the monster promise to be good since that day.
Four days later, they went to a desert land and lived as a family.

Luciana Manfredi

martes, 1 de noviembre de 2016